+  Data Privacy


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We are here for you. 

Data Privacy Consulting & Advisory Services

  • Develop privacy program strategy in line with the applicable regulatory requirements such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Privacy Shield, HIPAA and other country specific privacy laws
  • Conduct Privacy Maturity Assessment and build out a data privacy roadmap based on SOPANE’s Data Privacy Framework
  • Conduct Privacy Impact Assessments for applications, business processes, medical devices, IoT and systems in cloud

Data Mapping & Inventory

  • Develop detailed inventory & data flows of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and how it is collected, stored, used and shared within the enterprise and beyond

  • Help organizations build and maintain an inventory of personal information either through automated GRC solutions or through interview-based approach

Privacy Engineering Services

    • Provide privacy engineering services using solutions that are driven by automation powered by Artificial Intelligence & Analytics

Privacy by Design

  • Define privacy design strategies and architectural patterns and identify the required technical privacy controls
  • Design and architect technical privacy controls in line with Privacy by Design principle for adequate and appropriate protection of personal data

Privacy Audits & Assurance Security, Risk and Compiance Management

  • Conduct data privacy audits of business functions, applications, sites, business processes
  • Privacy control testing and privacy control assurance to measure the privacy posture to get a perspective of how resilient an asset is

DPO as a Service

  • Augment the data privacy function of client organization in which the data privacy officer will serve as an independent data protection expert, in alignment with the legislation as set out under the GDPR